Guy Kassongo

Guy is an elder at Court Farm Church.

What Is The Truth?

A Recipe For Healthy Spiritual Growth

As For Me And My House We Will Serve The Lord

From Victory To Victory

Holiness Unto God

Our Hope For Resurrection

Spiritual Lessons from Job

The Healing Waters (Part 2)

The Healing Waters (Part 1)

The Good Fight of Faith

In The World But Not Of The World

Christ Likeness

Healing Waters

The Holy Spirit

Revival, a New Spirit and a New Heart

Hope For Resurrection

Victory To Victory

Beware of the Leaven

Enduring Truth

Enemies of our Souls

Sorrows of Sheol

Perilous Men for Perilous Times

The Book of Revelation

Abide With Us

Renewing Perspectives and Perceptions

Vanity of Fleeting Confidence

The Uniqueness of Christ


Court Farm Evangelical Church

198 Court Farm Road
London SE9 4JS

020 8249 0154

Registered Charity No: 1195129